All Episodes
Displaying 1 - 30 of 83 in total
The Corporate Bartender - Not Everyone Is Like You, and That's OK! with Kelly McDonald
What's up everyone and welcome to The Corporate Bartender!Have you ever had a leader who "wasn't like you?" You just didn't vibe, and work was harder than it needed to...

The Corporate Bartender - Introverts Are Leaders Too! with Sharissa Deppen
What's up everyone and welcome to The Corporate Bartender!Are you an introverted leader or have you ever worked for one? Well, as a card-carrying introvert, I can tell...

The Corporate Bartender - You're Not Stuck With What You Grew Up With with Dr. L Carol Scott
What's up everyone and welcome to The Corporate Bartender!Any of you ever feel SASSY? Lord knows, I do, but probably not in the way today's guest uses the term. She be...

The Corporate Bartender - Generosity & Gratitude: The Secret Sauce with Shannon Cassidy
What's up everyone and welcome to The Corporate Bartender!I'm not sure it matters who you are right now, but I'll say it - times are.....complicated. When things get c...

The Corporate Bartender - Breaks, Burnout, & Getting Your Mojo Back with Laura Nguyen
What's up everyone and welcome to The Corporate Bartender!Whelp, it's 2025 and the holidays seem like a million years ago already! I don't know about you, but I could ...

The Corporate Bartender - AI is WAY Better with People with Nada Sanders
Let's keep the 2025 TCB machine a-rollin'!AI is all over the place these days, and we're gonna unpack the "is it Skynet or is it going to help" question - just a littl...

The Corporate Bartender - Take Charge of Your Life Story with Lior Arussy
What's up everyone and welcome to The Corporate Bartender!Happy New Year to everyone! Let's get 2025 off to a rip roaring start, shall we?We've got the Lior Arussy on ...

The Corporate Bartender - When Good Enough Isn't Enough, You've Gotta Be Superior with Rusty Komori
What's up everyone and welcome to The Corporate Bartender!Happy Holidays to everyone! The holidays are chock full of inspirational moments, and we want to add one to y...

The Corporate Bartender - Transforming Your Culture with Your Conversations with Douglas Squirrel
What's up everyone and welcome to The Corporate Bartender!If you know me, you know that I love Agile Development, and I love applying Agile Development principles to t...

The Corporate Bartender - Cracking The Code on Remote Employee Culture with Tricia Shields
What's up everyone and welcome to The Corporate Bartender!2020 was 4 years ago, but if you're like most of us, we're still navigating the challenges of figuring this '...

The Corporate Bartender - The Quantum Leap Technique Will Blow Your Mind! with Mark Scherer
What's up everyone and welcome to The Corporate Bartender!As the philosopher Ice Cube likes to posit, "Today is a good day!"We've got the coach for coaches, Mark Scher...

The Corporate Bartender - Disasters Happen, Is Your Company Ready? with Patrick Hardy
What's up everyone and welcome to The Corporate Bartender!We're keeping the ball rollin' and cranking out new, awesome TCBs for you as we round the corner into 'the ho...

The Corporate Bartender - One Toxic Leader Can Kill Your Company with Sean Lemson
What's up everyone and welcome to The Corporate Bartender!It's good to be back! I had a spate of work travel to knock out, so I'm a little behind in TCB production!We'...

The Corporate Bartender - Habits and Science Will Change Your Company with Oran Cohen
What's up everyone and welcome to The Corporate Bartender!We're trying to keep those summer vibes kickin', before it pumpkin spices all over us!Seasons are patterns, a...

The Corporate Bartender - Decoding GenZ with Hannah MacDonald Dannecker
What's up everyone and welcome to The Corporate Bartender!It's summer time and I can't believe it, but 2024 is more than half OVER!!Kids Today....that's the refrain, a...

The Corporate Bartender - Mental Strength is the New EQ with Scott Mautz
What's up everyone and welcome to The Corporate Bartender!We've all heard of emotional intelligence, or EQ right? What if i told you that I was from the future and I h...

The Corporate Bartender - Innovation is a Leadership Problem with Robyn Bolton
What's up everyone and welcome to The Corporate Bartender!Is innovation important to you? Do you need your people to think creatively? Well, we all know that people ar...

The Corporate Bartender - Convince Me! with Adele Gambardella and Chip Massey
What's up everyone and welcome to The Corporate Bartender!O. M. G., my friends, mi familia, Bartender Nation, you're not gonna believe it, but this episode is NEXT FRE...

The Corporate Bartender - Corporate Video That Doesn't Suck with Pat Taggart
What's up everyone and welcome to The Corporate Bartender!Whelp, today, my friends, is FANTASTIC! We've got gorillas chasing bananas, motorcycles, big dudes who love t...

The Corporate Bartender - WTH is Executive Presence? with Loreta Tarozaite
What's up everyone and welcome to The Corporate Bartender!Today is a good day! We are so excited to have Loreta Tarozaite on the program today. Never heard of Loreta? ...

The Corporate Bartender - Healing Old Wounds and Kicking Ass! with Amber Ontiveros
What's up everyone and welcome to The Corporate Bartender!Wow! We are amidst a run of banger episodes! We are so excited to have Amber Ontiveros on the program today. ...

The Corporate Bartender - Transform Your Team with Charlie Gilkey
What's up everyone and welcome to The Corporate Bartender!You are all in for a treat today! Some conversations are great, and then there's this one! We are so excited ...

The Corporate Bartender - Training Leaders Like it's 1985? with Lori Mazan
What's up everyone and welcome to The Corporate Bartender!Happy Late St. Patrick's Day, to those who do that sorta thing! Today's episode is fire! We're super excited ...

The Corporate Bartender - Dancing With Disruption with Jeff Skipper
What's up everyone and welcome to The Corporate Bartender!Happy Late Valentines Day, to those who do that sorta thing! Speaking of holidays, we're getting caught with ...

The Corporate Bartender - Leading with Authenticity with Tim Fortescue
What's up everyone and welcome to The Corporate Bartender!We're gonna have some fun today! Our guest is a communications coach, leadership expert, and My Morning Jacke...

The Corporate Bartender - Positive Communication with Julien Mirivel & Alex Lyon
What's up everyone and welcome to The Corporate Bartender!The conversations keep coming, and they just keep getting better and better, and today's? Well, settle in bec...

The Corporate Bartender - Culture Secrets, Froot Loops, and Monkeys with Chellie Phillips
What's up everyone and welcome to The Corporate Bartender!Happy New Year everyone! As we revisit some of our autumnal adventures, we have some amazing conversations to...

The Corporate Bartender - Leading With Inspired Purpose with Tony Martignetti
What's up everyone and welcome to The Corporate Bartender!Hope everyone had a lovely holiday, and is getting all prepped to return to the grind. I'm getting caught up ...

The Corporate Bartender - The Power of Positive Influence with Brian Smith
What's up everyone and welcome to The Corporate Bartender!Hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving, and is enjoying the season of holidays that we find ourselves in rig...

The Corporate Bartender - I Don't Understand: Navigating Unconscious Bias with Buki Mosaku
What's up everyone and welcome to The Corporate Bartender!I keep saying it, the AMAZING episodes just. Keep. Coming! DEI is one of the most prominent HR themes here in...